Dispute resolution
Dispute resolution
Applicable Law and Jurisdiction (Italy)
1) The General Terms and Conditions of Contract – together with the contract entered into by Piaggio & C. upon confirmation by Piaggio & C. of the order placed by the customer - will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Italian law.
2) For disputes arising from the validity, interpretation and execution of the General Conditions of Contract and of the contract itself, the Customer may refer the matter to an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Body, in accordance with the conditions set forth in the Rules of said Body and the provisions of the Consumer Code articles 141 and following.
3) In any event, the Customer may have recourse to the ordinary courts and, for any legal dispute that may arise regarding the validity, interpretation, or execution of these General Terms and Conditions and the contract, the court of the place where the Customer resides or is domiciled shall have jurisdiction.